Állás elmentve
A hirdetést eltávolítottuk a mentett állásai közül. Visszavonom

Állások, munkák francia nyelvtudással, főiskolai végzettséggel

12 db találat
  • Jó gyakorlati érzékkel, szervezőkészséggel rendelkező, műszaki beállítottságú kollégát keresünk, aki átlátja egy szárító-, tároló teleppel kapcsolatos feladatokat, szervezi és részt vesz azok elvégzésében Irányítja a hozzá tartozó munkatársakat, és működteti, kontrollálja a beszá...
    ápr. 15.
  • To professionally and efficiently interact by international customer queries: mainly in written form by e-mails, orders, online chats, occassionaly phone calls, logging customer orders and following them up in the order management system To provide professional technical support...
    ápr. 17.
  • The purpose of the service is to process the warranty claims submitted by the final Client’s Network (“Dealer”) in the warranty systems and to assess the ones marked as “to be assessed” by the analytics platform or the legacy systems in order to minimize the warranty waste, while...
    ápr. 16.
  • Troubleshoot IT related issues and handle customer requests. Provide remote support through different channels such as telephone, email, or chat. Support our top customers using your specific language skills.
    ápr. 15.
  • Adjust the interest rate of floating rate bonds based on the metrics provided or by calculating it Regularly update covered bond pools and maintain the client's report database Obtain legal documentation for corporate bonds identified Set up corporate bonds and structured notes b...
    ápr. 14.
  • ● Review content (Text/Image) and conduct the content quality control, ensuring the content complies with Content Moderation Guidelines (For example slurs, cuss words, adult content, and uncivil content) ● Become and remain knowledgeable about online community standards ∙ Thoroug...
    ápr. 14.
  • Task: Full support for sales managers, Coordinating incoming orders, Price calculation, Responsible for Material Specifications, Coordinating the commercial and technical details of orders with foreign customers, Managing customer relations, Customer complaint handling, Managing...
    ápr. 12.
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